Wit Beyond Measure Podcast
Instagram and Spotify
October 2020 - March 2023
It is a book-themed podcast discussing Jane Austen's work and the books she inspired. Currently, there are five seasons, with season 6 on the way in Fall 2024. Episodes are posted weekly or bi-weekly, with breaks between seasons. The podcast started in October 2020 and went on hiatus in March 2023.
375 Followers on Spotify
Joined the Frolic Podcast Network
594 Impressions in 30
Days During Hiatus23,161 Podcast Downloads
(across all platforms)
Promote the small, niche podcast and encourage the audience to listen to weekly or bi-weekly episodes. Built an online community of Jane Austen, romance, and book lovers through captivating copy, engaging content, and hilarious memes. Highlighted every episode of the podcast, summarizing each topic in captions, and captured attention through brand-approved graphics.
2.2% Follower Growth
3.07% Engagement Rate MoM
Currently on Hiatus until Fall 2024
293 New Accounts Reached in 90 Days During Hiatus
33 Interactions in 90 Days During Hiatus