Long-Form Content

Workbooks, Travel Guides, Downloadable Guides

  • The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Book Club

    Choosing members of your book club might be a bit intimidating, but there are two great places to start - your friends and your neighborhood or community! Find a few friends who have a shared interest in books.

  • Wander To: London

    We all have a particular image of London in our heads. For some, it is the fanciful lifestyles of the wealthy, the royals, or the fashionistas shopping in high-end boutiques. Others might imagine the bustling streets of the Victorian Era and the ritual of a proper high tea. Some may even call to mind the theatrical Renaissance Era of Shakespeare. Great news: London is all of this — and more.

  • Poet's Guide to Social Media

    No matter what kind of creator you are; if you
    write poetry, fiction, or non-fiction, you must have a social media presence to make an impact. An effective social media presence will help you share your work and may open doors. Having an established audience helps you get published – publishers like to see that there are already potential readers.

  • 365 Poetry Prompt Guide

    With this guide, we hope you will learn: How to build a habit of writing every day. How to find new inspiration from the world around you. How to conquer writer's block.

    *This is only 31 out of 365 prompts

  • National Poetry Month for You

    In this workbook, you will find many tools for taking NaPoWriMo and National Poetry Month to the next level. You'll get free resources, prompts, tools, advice from poets, and more. Whatever your relationship is like with writing, we’ve got a guide for you.